Tuesday, July 17, 2007

it sounds like she’ll have her hands full

Last week, you might remember, I discussed the rather presumptuous apology acceptance speech by Louisiana Senator David Vitter:

This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible. Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife. . . .

At that time, I said that I couldn’t speak for his wife; well, now I can.

Even though last week’s press release was supposed to be Vitter’s last word on the subject, the whore cuddling, Klan coddling Senator felt the need to have a second, public last word—and this time, it wasn’t enough that he should suffer, he was going to make his wife suffer with him.

Standing awkwardly by husband David’s side on Monday, Wendy Vitter had this to say:

To those of you who know me, are you surprised that I have something to say? You know, in most any other marriage, this would have been a private issue between a husband and a wife -- very private. Obviously, it is not here...Last week, some people very sympathetically said to me, "I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now." I stand before you to tell you very proudly, I am proud to be Wendy Vitter.

Well, to those of you that know Ms. Vitter, you may not be surprised that she has something to say, but you were probably pretty surprised by what she was saying. . . and that she was saying it with empty hands.

You see, back in 2000, when US Representative David Vitter was championing rightwing “values”, Wendy was asked if she would forgive her husband if he were found to be cheating on her—specifically, would she forgive him like Hillary Clinton forgave President Bill? Here’s what Ms. Vitter told the Times-Picayune (via Salon):

I'm a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary. If he does something like that, I'm walking away with one thing, and it's not alimony, trust me.

[I will give your eyebrows a moment to return to earth.]

Yes, she really said that for publication then, and she really stood next to Senator Vitter in public on Monday—and I, for one, have to wonder about what was said, done, or promised in private in the interim.

And, were it not for the outrageous hypocrisy of the moralizing Mr. Vitter, I would be OK with it being a private matter. . . and likely more than happy to accept everybody’s last words.

But, I don’t think we’ve heard the last “last word”—from either of them—and, if you go back and read the entire 2004 Salon article by Mary Jacoby, you will understand why it shouldn’t be.

(And a picture’s worth a thousand words, huh?)

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