greatest hits

Like anyone with a website, I track my hits, and like most, I am occasionally amused or amazed by the places around the world that visit my little corner of cyberspace, and the ways by which folks might find me.
I have been visited by people on six continents (Antarctica, where are you?); by people looking for Israeli hangouts, Martha Radatz [sic] (or Raddatz, as it were), the Decider, the idiot, and, of course, the asshole. I have noticed hits from offices on Capitol Hill, government agencies, and the odd presidential campaign, but, until this weekend, I can’t say that I’ve garnered the attention of US Central Command.
Yes, I’m talking CENTCOM. The folks that make sure, among other things, that the war in Iraq continues to go as smoothly as it has.
But, there it is, in black and white (and red and blue): Department of Defense Network Information Center, Columbus, Ohio.
Just look at it:
I can’t see how they came upon my blog—“no referring link,” it says—they’ve either hidden the search, or. . . well, let’s not think about “or.”
My first reaction was: Welcome!
My second reaction: Of all the thoughts and ideas I have posted over the last fifteen months, this, this is what brought you my way. It was practically a throwaway. Not my most searing or sentient. (Really, why don’t you go take a look at the long-form “think pieces” over at capitoilette.)
My third reaction: Don’t you guys have something better to do? You know, something more pressing than guy2k?
But, hey, I need all the eyeballs I can get. . . so, I revert to: Welcome! If you want any advice, vis-à-vis that whole gulf thing, just drop me a comment, and I’ll get back to you.
. . . or give me a call—I’m sure you have the number.
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