Sunday, December 30, 2012

blogiversary 7

(photo: Craig Duncan via Wikipedia)

A callow newbie to some, a grizzled vet to others, as of today, I have been in the blogging game for seven years, and so, in keeping with the tradition established by this, my original blog--guy2K: a journal of politics, popular culture, and mixed drinks--I give you a themed cocktail:

The Seven & Seven
Pour 2 oz. Seagram's Seven Crown Whiskey into a highball glass; fill with ice.
Top with about 7 oz. 7-Up; stir lightly.
Garnish with a lemon slice.

I know, that seems pretty humdrum for this age of the artisanal cocktail. Whiskey and soda pop, how high school! But not only is it so seventh anniversary appropriate--so seven nice they seven'd it twice--it is also special for another reason. It is perhaps the most branded cocktail recipe I know. Sure, you could mix Jeremiah Weed and Bubble Up, and it might taste pretty darn similar, but what the hell are you going to call it? The Weed & Bubble?

That does not sound good.

And the Seven & Seven is not just a good drink for my seventh blogiversary (yes, I used to spell it "blogaversary," but this seems to now be an actual thing, and the spelling with the "i" now seems to be the preferred one)--it being all seven-ie and all--the Seven & Seven's specificity makes it a very appropriate cocktail for this last weekend of the year for a more, shall we say, "all inclusive" reason.

But if you want to know that reason, you're going to have to follow me over to my new home: (This post; the whole damn blog) (Oh, and, follow me on twitter, too.)


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