Tuesday, March 18, 2008

a responsible plan—for America

A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq - Click here to add your support

A groups Democratic Challengers for the House of Representatives unveiled a comprehensive proposal for getting the US out of Iraq, and as importantly, making sure we don’t do something this ill-fated again any time soon.

A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq—as it is called—revolves around seven broad points:

1. End U.S. Military Action in Iraq
2. Use U.S. diplomatic power
3. Address humanitarian concerns
4. Restore our Constitution
5. Restore our military
6. Restore independence to the media
7. Create a new, U.S.-centered energy policy

Some of those seem obvious, some maybe less so, but, all in all, it is a very intriguing proposal.

I go into greater depth on capitoilette. . . .

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