Wednesday, February 22, 2006

how’s that going, by the way?

Apparently, love will get you like a case of anthrax. . . love of drum making, that is.

A maker of African drums from the West Village is in a Pennsylvania hospital with a case of inhalation anthrax, Mayor Bloomberg announced today. While it looks like this man was infected by working with un-tanned animal hides, and terrorism is not suspected, it did remind me of those halcyon days when Chemical Judy had to stop opening her own mail:

In the weeks following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, letters laced with anthrax were discovered in several locations around the country, including in New York City. The attacks, which remain unsolved, killed five people and sickened 17.

That made me wonder how the investigation of those 2001 cases was going, so I searched around on the web. . . all I found that’s new has to do with the wrongly accused and their pending lawsuits against the Federal Government.

That’s how it’s going.


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