Friday, February 01, 2008

and now for questions from our audience:

OK, I’m watching the last Democratic debate before Super-duper Tuesday, and whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………..

Huh, what? Sorry—I fell asleep there. Man, it almost makes you miss the—naw, I ain’t gonna go there.

Well, here’s a question I can pretty much promise you wasn’t asked tonight (OK, I’ll admit it, I really caught the whole debate, and this wasn’t asked), so I will ask it here:

With Howard Dean heading the DNC, Democrats retook control of both houses of Congress in 2006. If you are elected president, you will have great influence in whether Dean remains in his current position. Will you pledge, right now, to keep Howard Dean as chairman of the Democratic National Committee? If not, why not, and who do you plan on recommending as Dean’s replacement, and why?

Think about your answer. . . I’ll wait. . .

. . .

. . .

. . . still here. . .

. . . zzzzzzzzzzzz. . . .

(cross-posted on The Seminal)

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